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Maker not marked
Silk, cotton, ink, watercolor
body: 14-1/2"h x 17"w
Museum Purchase
Cream-colored silk Masonic apron with light blue/turquoise pleated ribbon trim. Around edges is a painted border of brown, red, and blue leaves. Masonic symbols in pen and ink with some watercolor highlights; on flap: all-seeing eye with glory rays. Proper right from top to bottom: sun with glory rays, Gherard Schotts's representation of King Solomon's Temple. Below are hourglass, trowel, and skull and cross bones. At center are five stars shining to clouds and blue sky. Square and compasses are at center above the Holy Bible, which rests on three steps. On either side are two columns. At the bottom of the stairs are a coffin and sprig of acacia. Proper left from top to bottom has moon, scales, plumb, level, folded gauge (possibly), and gavel. Backing is of plain white cotton.