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James F. Ryder
USA: Ohio, Cleveland
Photograph on paper
overall: 4" h x 2-3/8" w
Gfit in memory of Jacques Noel Jacobsen
Black and white Masonic carte-de-visite photograph. Three-quarter length portrait of a man wearing a black frock coat, pants, and vest; white striped shirt, black bow tie, and Knights Templar apron, sash or baldric, gauntlets, and tricorne hat. The gauntlets are black, with white trim at the cuffs and a white cross encircled by a wreath on each. The sash is black, with a white border and fringe, two crosses, a five-pointed star, and a nine-pointed star; the man is also holding a sword in his sash. His apron is black, with white borders and fringes. On the flap, there is a triangle; the body has two five-pointed stars, a skull and crossbones, and crossed swords. His tricorne hat is also black, with a white border on the brim; there is a cross emblem in the front, and a white feather on top. The man is holding onto the back of a chair with his left hand; the chair has an ornately embroidered floral design on the back cushion. The photograph is framed by two gold lines - the outer line being thicker than the inner line - along the left and right edges. The top and bottom edges of the CDV, as well as the four corners, have been trimmed off; it is likely that the border originally extended around the entire CDV. Printed in black on the back is "J.F. Ryder / Photographist / 171 Superior St. / Cleved. O." There is a green three cent tax stamp on the back with a picture of George Washington and the text "U.S. Inter. Revenue. / Three / Cents / [illeg.]egraph." [The last word is "Telegraph," based on the tax stamps issued at this time.] There is an illegible cancellation mark on the stamp.