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Maker not marked
Photograph on paper mounted on board
3 1/2"h x 7"w x 1/8"d
Gift of William Caleb Loring
Black-and-white stereophotograph or stereocard mounted on a grayish card showing three children playing marbles, while an older boy or man looks on. The boy in the middle is wearing a black cap, dark overalls, and a white shirt; he is sitting on a barrel. The boy to his left is sitting, and is wearing a gray coat and pants. The boy on the right is wearing a white shirt and black pants. The boy or man standing and watching is wearing a white shirt and gray pants; he is noticeably taller than the other three boys. There is a painting of a rural scene in the background. The back of the card is off-white, with a rectangular label in the center. Printed in black on this label is "68-Knuckle Down. / "Say ! Johnny, no shenanigan."