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Maker not marked
USA: Kansas, Baxter Springs
Photograph on paper mounted on card
Overall: 11-1/8"h x 13-1/2"w
Special Acquisitions Fund
Masonic Masonic Royal Arch Degree Team photograph in lodge room wearing regalia and costumes; names identified on back "Masonic Chapter / Baxter Springs / Kansas / Jim Hunter, ---Cheeseman, Lorenzo Breuster, Roy Harvey, ---Eastham, Charles. Noble, Ira C. Perkins, M.T. McNickle, ---Naylor, T. B. McElkinney, Clinton Childs, Hayden Smith and John M. Cooper."
These members of Baxter Chapter No. 78 (a Kansas Royal Arch chapter) wear their costumes for a degree, a ceremony acted out to teach important lessons and mark the initiate's membership. Part of the York Rite, the Royal Arch is often known as the fourth degree. Men can join a Royal Arch chapter after they recieve the Master Mason, or third, degree from their local lodge. Established in 1894, Baxter Chapter No. 78 counted 53 men as members around the time this picture was taken. For further information, see blog post, January 28, 2014 http://nationalheritagemuseum.typepad.com/library_and_archives/2014/01/masonic-and-fraternal-ritual-objects-from-the-scottish-rite-masonic-museum-library.html